Sunday, June 7, 2009

The fun of Fear 2

So I recently finished Fear 2. yay. And now i think i should write a review of my own since many on the internet are very negative...

Let's start with the gameplay, i found the weapons to offer a wide variety of power. My favourite was the laser since you need to change your angle while shooting, which is neat. While the guns are good, the combat is too. I found the soldiers in this game to be a lot stupider and basically i was able to kill them without slowing down time. That may seem like a negative thing but no, i thought it was good since you don't have enough slo-mo to kill everyone lol. One major problem i had (maybe due to me playing with 3d glasses which cause the crosshair to shift) is that it usually took me 3 or 4 hits in the head 2 kill someone, i just thought it was strange.
Level design is also insanely better, kind of a mix between doom 3, halo, and gta 4. The interiors are just really advanced looking while the exteriors have nice architecture.

How about graphics? they be really good. With the 3d glasses on its even better.
Sound? uhh, normal i guess.

Story? This is a funny one... (not really humorous, just weird). Instead of the secret plans being told to you over the radio, they are now documents that you must read. And there are 76 i think, that's a lot of reading :|
Once you figure out what's going on, everything seems to be really enjoyable and you're like "ooo this is exciting i cant wait to do this". Im refering to the end of the game, which confused the hell out of me. I was all set to do Objective A when Person A comes along and kills Assistant A, then I'm stuck and Enemy A shows up and im like o shit. then all the efforts to kill Enemy A are wasted and somehow i get raped and she's pregnant with my boy (or girl). I tried making that as unspoiling as possible...

Ok the story (ending and delivery) couldve been better. But the content of everything before the ending was supreme.

The horror scares? They were what you'd expect i guess. There's some ghosts, semi-creepy areas (especially under the school in the specimen holding area), and i guess it was ok. Same pattern tho like in the first game (fight bad, walk, fight ghosts, walk, repeat).

My recommendation™: Excellent to people who like shooting with advanced weaponry, mild scares, attention to detail in graphics, an unusual story, and people who like reading a bright blue text with 3d glasses on at the same time (my eyes hurt).

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