Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Surprise Interview (Part 2)

I completely forgot about those people, but they called back again :O
Here's how it went:

Q: With current gas prices as high as they are, do you still have time to eat tacos?
A: I don't see how they are related in any way, but yes, I do still have taco time.

Q: What are your thoughts on DRM?
A: I'm not a big fan, in fact im no fan at all.

Q: Last but most definately not least, name me your three favourite video game companies.
A: Thats not a question, I don't see the question mark you fool. Anyway, it's hard to choose 3 since so many have brought me happiness... Ima go with EA, Rockstar, Konami, Activision, Nintendo, and Microsoft.

Q: That wasn't three but it is a multiple of three (6), so I will accept it. Thank you for your time.
A: Again that's not a question.

Q: Thanks for your time?
A: (BD-]-<

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